I couldn't have picked a worse time to get sick. Well, I guess I didn't quite 'pick' to be sick. But ofcourse it happened. I woke up on Saturday with a terrible headache and sore throat. I was devastated, as I knew there was a lot of work waiting for us in preparation for the big event on Sunday. Jean, Janece, and I were suppose to meet at the Four Seasons at 3pm to start assembling the gift bags and student folders together amongst other things. At around 2pm, I knew there was no way I could drag my body there and be productive. This is when team work is SO, SO, SO important!! I knew I could count on them, and they persuaded me to stay home and rest. After a nice long nap, I woke up at 5pm feeling somewhat better and made my way to the hotel to join the assembly party. When I arrived, it was well underway but there was still a lot more to be done. I was glad to be there, and we were quite focused for the next few hours.
As we slipped into the evening, more of our wonderful partners arrived--the Chins, Gloria, and my lovely assistant Amanda who just happened to be LION DANCING that whole day. Yes, lion dancing and she happens to be the lion HEAD! Okay, that's an entirely different post on another day, but we were all amazed at the energy she still had left to join our assembly party!
My body finally collapsed around 10pm. I was really excited about the next day but also worried that I would be even more sick when I woke up.
Jean, Renee, and Janece assembling the student folders together
Jean and Amanda assembling the gift bags
Gloria hard at work counting the rental items to make sure we had everything
Gloria and Nancy assembling the lounge furniture
There's me, resting on the daybed, while Nancy is being her funny self as always
Kevin Chin hard at work with the furniture assembly
I need to mention that I was asleep already and didn't take any photos when John Woods and his crew arrived at the hotel right before midnight. They worked through the night to install all the drapery and chandeliers.
To be continued...
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